Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Book 7, 2013 - Wild by Cheryl Strayed

It has been a long time since I have read a book that I did not want to end.  This was one of those books.  What a fantastic read.  I tend to prefer fiction books, but a friend highly recommended this book, and I am so very glad she did.  This book chronicles a woman's journey (an overused word, but the right one in this case) traveling the Pacific Coast Trail in 1995.  The things she does, people she meets, and amazing feats she accomplishes is awe-inspiring.  It almost makes you want to try it... Oh my gosh, who am I kidding?  It is really a crazy thing.

Did I like it? No... I seriously loved it.  Recommend it?  Without hesitation.  Rating.... Finally, 5 stars!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Book 6, 2013 - Big Ray by Michael Kimball

Ok, I admit it... I mostly chose this book because a. it was short and b. it had a great cover.  I thought I had heard of it in a book review in a magazine and heard it was decent.

That said, this book was very quick yet disturbing.  It is written in a series of what seems like diary entries by a man in his late thirties.  He is reflecting on his history with his father who has just died.  It does not take long to realize that the history between the main character and his dad is not a happy one.  As the book moves along, you realize how much of a monster the father was ....more gets revealed as the diary is written.  The writing was very simple but effective.  I am not sure you can really 'enjoy' this book because the subject matter is downright depressing.  However, I found myself sympathizing with all of those individuals who have had a lousy childhood and struggle their whole lives coming to terms with it.  Makes my life seem perfect.....  I should count my blessings far more often.

Did I like it?  Hard to say....  Would I recommend?  Probably not.  Rating? Three stars out of five.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Book 5, 2013 - The Secret Between Us by Barbara Delinsky

Another book I didn't love...  Hmmm....  On a roll that way, I guess.  I am officially done reading Delinsky's books, too.  This was the second one of hers I've read, and while the premise of each book sounds great, she bogs down the characters and story with too much extra "stuff" that is not relevant to the story.

This book discussed the telling of a lie and a subsequent coverup by a mom involving a car accident in which her fifteen year old daughter was driving, (with a permit).  The mother takes the fall for her daughter when the accident occurs.  The daughter struggles mightily with guilt and anxiety about their situation....  Interesting idea, when I consider what I would go through to protect my children.  However, the mother in this story gets preoccupied with her own relationship with her father, her ex husband, and her lawyer.  She considers a relationship with another man... Etc etc.  You get the idea.  If my daughter were struggling and I was the cause of it, I don't think I would be thinking about getting a boyfriend.  The plot was juicy enough.... Don't add the superfluous!

Did I like it?  Eh.  Recommend?  Maybe....if you're looking for something mindless.  Rating?  Two stars out of five.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Book 4, 2013 - Stay Close by Harlan Coben

Mistake made:  Do not read back-to-back Harlan Coben books.... or maybe you can, except when the second book STINKS.  Wow... did not like this book at all.  The older I get, the less I enjoy any gratuitous violence that does not help the plot of the book along.  This book has plenty.  While I realize his books are --obviously-- fictional, this one is just too stupid.  I actually was bored and had to force myself to read it.  Not like his other work. 

I think for me, nothing quite compares to the first time I ever read one of his books and was mesmorized.  I haven't had that from him in the last few I've read... while the others were certainly decent, they aren't what his very early works were.  I will read more, but I need a break.  No need to discuss plot twists and turns - there are a few, of course - but overall, I'm underwhelmed by this one.

Did I like it?  Um, read above.  Recommend?  Uh uh.  There are plenty of better ones out there.  Rating? 2 stars.