Friday, February 17, 2012

Something I've always wanted to try....

I've been looking for an outlet to write in a personal way for a long time.  Did I want to go about this by doing a "blog"?  Sounds so...  much younger than I am.  Well, I happened across a reading challenge when perusing an internet search, and thought this might be the perfect excuse to create that blog that has been in the back of my mind for a couple of years. 

Can I actually read a book a week?  I'm going to try... and semi-review the book as my blog.  I say "semi-review" as I do not know how to actually review a book properly.  I do not seem to know enough about writing novels to critique and criticize books that I read.  I am always in awe of authors who can actually write --AND PUBLISH-- a book, that I don't feel I can accurately review a book like those in newspapers and magazines.  What I can do is just simply state whether I liked a book, whether or not I would recommend the book to others, and overall rate the book on a scale of 1 to 5.  Easy enough, right?

The biggest obstacle I can see is will I find the time to read 52 books in a year?  It's going to be tough, no doubt.  Will I find some shorter books to make up the slack?  Most definitely.  Regardless, I love having a reason to read, and I love having an outlet to encourage me to think about books after I close the cover, (or turn it off in this beautiful Kindle society!)

As far as the title of the blog goes, that comes from my local book club that has been together since October, 2003.  We started with ten mothers who all had small children and a love of reading in common.  We are down to seven members, but we are still going strong.  I look forward to that meeting every five weeks.  I probably should have checked with them as far as the title goes;  I'm hoping I haven't infringed on an unsaid copyright.  But then again, I haven't decided whether I am sharing this blog with anybody!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the challenge. Look forward to reading your thoughts about what you read. Happy reading!
