Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Book 15, 2012 - Not My Daughter by Barbara Delinsky

This book, pure and simple, made me so happy that I have three sons, (no daughters!).  This book is about a "pregnancy pact" among 3 high school seniors, and the reactions that their mothers, friends, school administrators, and city leaders have in response.  I sometimes like these girly types of books for the "pure fluff" factor, but this book didn't work for me.  The story mostly showed the reaction of the mother of one daughter in particular, and wouldn't you know it... everything works out for everyone perfectly!  Children are beautiful!  They really don't have any regrets!  They don't need to go to college!  Everything is hunky-dory! 

If this is the type of book I'm reading, I prefer something a bit more Jodi-Picoult-ish, (for lack of a better adjective)... where the ending isn't necessarily happy, and more cons may be presented than pros. 

I learned how to knit a few years ago, and this hobby has fallen away for me as of late.  In this book, all of the women knit, and if anything positive came from this book for me, I would say it gave me the knitting bug all over again. 

Did I like it?  Eh.  Would I recommend it?  Not unless you have nothing left at home to read.  Rating?  2 stars, maybe.

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